Bernar Venet – Peintures 2001-2011

Bernar Venet – Peintures 2001-2011 : Gold Triptych with Two Saturations, 2009, acrylique sur toile, 247 x 592.5 cm. © ADAGP, Paris 2011    Bernar Venet – Peintures 2001-2011 : Saturation with Eleven Vertical points on the right, 2006, acrylique sur toile, 204 x 204 cm. Crédit photo François Fernandez, Nice © ADAGP, Paris 2011    Bernar Venet – Peintures 2001-2011 : Related to Affine and Convex Sets and Functionals, 2001, acrylique sur toile, 210 x 170 cm. © ADAGP, Paris 2011   

The exhibition


11/06/2011 - 18/09/2011
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